Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Bagaimana memulai proses SEO ? - Bagaimana memulai proses SEO ? ini pertama kali saya membuat posting yang berhubungan dengan SEO, nah berhubung saya juga tidak berpengalaman dalam teknik SEO maka saya membuat artikel ini hanya berdasarkan pengalaman saya saja :) dan buat master-master SEO bila ada yang kurang dalam artikel ini, mohon di tambahkan.

Beberapa point penting dalam memulai sebuah blogging agar lebih seo silahkan pahami langkah-langkah berikut;

1. Jika memungkinkan, mulailah dengan website baru yang belum pernah dipublikasikan atau didaftarkan ke search engine. !!
2. Kuasai dasar-dasar HTML. Banyak teknik-teknik SEO yang akan menuntut Anda untuk mampu melakukan editing langsung pada kode HTML.
3. Pilih 2 atau 3 kata kunci yang kira-kira paling tepat untuk mewakili isi (content) dari website Agan-agan, namun saya lebih suka dengan jutaan keyword :D
4. Tulislah teks untuk website Anda berdasarkan kata kunci yang telah Anda pilih. Untuk halaman depan, usahakan membuat teks dengan panjang minimal 300 kata. Gunakan kombinasi dari keyword-keyword utama pada 300 kata tersebut.
5. Rancanglah sebuah title tag yang baik - Title tag harus benar-benar mencerminkan apa isi dari website Anda .
6. Buatlah Meta Tag Secara Optimal ( <meta content='Deskripsi Blog ' name='description'/> | <meta content='Kata Kunci Blog' name='keywords'/> | <meta content='Nama Anda' name='author'/> )
7. Mulailah melakukan pendaptaran di Search Engine dan Directory
8. Mulailah membangun Link Popularity [link popularity adalah jumlah halaman web lain yang memasang link ke web site Anda. Jika Anda menulis content dengan baik, dan isinya bermanfaat untuk banyak orang, maka secara alami akan banyak orang yang mereferensikan situs Anda ]
9. Hal terakhir yang sangat perlu Anda perhatikan adalah berusaha bermain jujur - Saya lebih menyarankan agar Anda berkonsentrasi mengembangkan content, dan membuat website Anda lebih baik dari hari ke hari.

Lalu jangan lupa untuk menambahkan penggunaan Meta Tag

Meta Tag Deskriptions
Merupakan digunakan untuk memberikan Gambaran umum mengenai isi dari halaman web/Blog.
contoh ;
<meta content='Membongkar Tips dan Trik SEO' name='Description'/>
Ukurannya disarankan tidak lebih dari 200 karakter.

Meta Tag Keywords
Meta Tag Keyword adalah Menentukan kata kunci apa yang bisa menemukan halaman web tersebut pada search engine.
contoh ;
<meta content='bisnis online,trik bisnis,google adsense,trik ngeblog,SEO,tips-trik SEO' name='keywords'/>
NB; Jangan mengulang sebuah kata lebih dari 3 kali, karena akan dianggap spamming
Jangan membuat keyword yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan isi halaman web Anda.

Meta Tag Robots
Merupakan Untuk menentukan halaman web yang mana bisa di-index oleh spider dan halaman web mana yang tidak.
contoh ;
standart Meta Tag Robots ;
<meta name="robots" content="index | noindex | follow | nofollow">
rubah menjadi ;
<meta name="robots" content="index follow">
Spider akan meng-index main page Anda dan menjadwalkan untuk mengindex halaman-halaman lain yang bisa dicari melalui hyperlink.

Namun kita juga harus memperhatikan beberapa hal;

a. Search engine yang memiliki kemampuan deep crawler seperti Google, akan mampu menelusuri setiap link yang ada pada sebuah halaman web.
b. Saat ini banyak situs yang menawarkan jasa submit ke search engine secara otomatis. Sekali mengisi form, web site Anda bisa didaftarkan ke 30 search engine sekaligus (bahkan lebih).
c. Submit secara manual masih jauh lebih aman

ini menurut saya, namun pilihan di tangan anda.

Perbandingan SE (search engine) dengan Directory;

Search Engine ( SE ) ; Search engine merupakan sebuah situs yang memiliki database besar yang dirancang untuk meng-index alamat-alamat internet
Search Engine memiliki program khusus yang biasanya disebut spider, bot, atau crawler.

Directory ; Fungsi Direktori adalah meng-index halaman web secara manual, Keunggulan Direktori adalah mampu memberikan listing website yang lebih berkualitas. Kelemahan jumlah database yang dimiliki biasanya jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan search engine.

Nah, sekian dulu tips dari saya :) mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya apabila ada artikel saya yang salah dari sudut pandang para master SEO :).

myLot User Profile

Trik Cara Mencurangi Adsense Chitika - Trik Cara Mencurangi Adsense Chitika sempat menjadi keyword yang banyak dicari oleh netter indonesia :). Tapi kebanyakan Trik Cara Mencurangi Adsense Chitika di jual dengan harga yang fantastis , kenapa mereka menjual padahal hanya sebatas Trik Cara Mencurangi Adsense Chitika ? namanya juga ilmu mas :D lagian chitika juga menawarka harga per click nya lumayan namun khusus untuk netter dari USA .

Yang perlu sobat ingat adalah iklan chitika hanya akan tampil di traffik negara tertentu saja seperti USA, Canada dan lain - lain. Nah...masalahnya untuk Indonesia tidak disupport sama sekali. Sehingga jika dilihat memakai trafik Indonesia, maka yang keluar hanyalah iklan berwujud kategori saja. Dan jika di klik hasilnya tidak masuk.

Pertama kali anda siapkan dahulu script code yang di berikan oleh pihak chitika lalu ketika anda hendak memasukan code tersebut ke widget blog anda jangan langsung tekan save, silahkan copy code di bawah ini dan tempatkan di atas code script dari chitika

ch_non_contextual = 1;
var ch_queries = new Array('keyword1, keyword2, keyword3');
var ch_selected= Math.floor((Math.random()*ch_queries.length));
ch_query = ch_queries[ch_selected];

Nah , lihat code diatas silahka anda ganti kalimat keyword1, keyword2, keyword3 dengan keyword yang anda daftarkan ketika membuat code script di chitika

sekian dulu info dari saya, semoga bermanfaat :)

Sketch with Friends updated to version 1.2.3, brings free version, performance boosts and more

Sketch with Friends updated to version 1.2.3, brings free version, performance boosts and more

Sketch with FriendsSure we may not have Draw Something on the BlackBerry PlayBook, but we do have an amazing alternative called Sketch with Friends. The recent update to Sketch with Friends brings the application to version 1.2.3 and along with it they have brought some awesome new things. First of all they have released a free version as well as the paid version, so you can now try it out before you buy it. In addition to the free version they have also made quite a few changes to the actual application and its performance such as:
  • Exclusive gaming zone called “The Platinum Lounge” for paid users only where players can play across all platforms (iPad, Android Tablets etc.). This zone has 50 game rooms as of now
  • “The Salon”- where both free and paid users can play across all platforms. This zone again has 50 rooms, which will be increased in the immediate next update 
  • Improved word list 
  • Performance improvements and bug fixes related to gameplay 
  • We've now upgraded to a larger server which takes care of most of the connectivity issues
If you are already play Sketch with Friends be sure to hop into App World and grab the update, and if you have been waiting to give it a shot, try the free version now!

For more information and to download Sketch with Friends

For more information and to purchase Sketch with Friends

BlackBerry Bridge receives update - now sits at v2.0.0.26

BlackBerry Bridge receives update - now sits at v2.0.0.26

BlackBerry Bridge
BlackBerry Bridge just received an update bringing it to v2.0.0.26. No change log, as usual, but regardless, you will definitely want to log in to App World and check for the update if you are a BlackBerry PlayBook owner. As we have seen in the past, PlayBook OS updates usually follow shortly behind Bridge updates, so you'll want to be ready for if (when?) that drops. You can snag the update for BlackBerry Bridge at the link below. If it's not showing for you yet you can try refreshing App World or just check back later.

Download/update BlackBerry Bridge

Discuss in the CrackBerry Forums


Want something new for your BlackBerry? Check out The Surprise App!

Want something new for your BlackBerry? Check out The Surprise App!

The Surprise AppEvery day I start my morning by checking out BlackBerry App World for new apps. I like to see what's out there that I think may be useful to me, or just what's new in general. Well today I found one of my favorite apps so far, and you'll never guess what it is. Dubbed The Surprise App, this neat little utility comes from ShaoSoft (maker of Leave It On, The CB App and more) so you know it's a good one. The Surprise App is just what it says - a surprise. From the description:

The surprise app is just that, a surprise. You won't know what the app does until you run it for the first time. What we can tell you this, it is a useful utility. It might be something you never though about needing, maybe it's something you've always wanted, you might even say "wow, that's cool, I didn't know that was possible!"
I have the app installed and I can vouch for it. It's a simple utility that you will use but probably never thought of. So if you're feeling like you want to try something new, give The Surprise App a shot.
If you do install this app - PLEASE don't comment, BBM, email, SMS etc letting others know what it is. The app is intended to be a surprise, so let's keep it that way!

More information/Download The Surprise App


Twitter for BlackBerry v3.0.0.19 now available in the BlackBerry Beta Zone

Twitter for BlackBerry v3.0.0.19 now available in the BlackBerry Beta Zone
Twitter for BlackBerry
If you're making use of Twitter for BlackBerry and registered for the BlackBerry Beta Zone, you'll find a new release is available for download. No big changes this time around:
  • Stuck on loading when you first enter the app and scroll directly to the bottom 
Just a minor bug fix update but hey, it's there and available for download -- Go get it.

More in the BlackBerry Beta Zone

Turn your BlackBerry and BlackBerry PlayBook into a remote for your Roku with Remoku!

Turn your BlackBerry and BlackBerry PlayBook into a remote for your Roku with Remoku!

Remoku for BlackBerry
As we acquire gadgets and devices in our lives, we seem to end up with a ton of remote controls. TVs, DVD players, stereos… everything has one, and if you're like me you can probably never find the right one when you need it. I was super excited when I found out that I can now eliminate the search for at least one remote, the one that goes to my Roku player. Five Seasons Computer has developed apps for both BlackBerry 7 smartphones and the BlackBerry PlayBook which allow you to control your Roku player over wifi! Every feature you can access from the remote, you can now access on your BlackBerry device using Remoku. Not only can you do basic things like change the channel, you can also enable the developer screen, reboot your Roku, and more!
  • All the same buttons from the standard Roku remote including Instant Replay!
  • Automatically locates Roku devices!
  • Save more than one Roku configuration to the app!
  • Easy to use channel list & navigation of your Roku!
  • Use the onscreen keyboard to type!
  • Toolbox feature allows easy access to bitrate override, remote reboot, secret screen, developer screen & bug report!
At this time, Remoku is available for BlackBerry 7 devices and the PlayBook, and either version can be purchased from BlackBerry App World for $2.99 at the links below. I have both versions, and I have to say that since installing them I've found myself using my Roku more often, maybe just because it's more fun to use my BlackBerry to control it!

For more information and to purchase Remoku for BlackBerry 7 smartphones

For more information and to purchase Remoku for the BlackBerry PlayBook

ShortcutMe on sale today only! - Get it for only $2.99

ShortcutMe on sale today only! - Get it for only $2.99

ShortcutMe for BlackBerry
If you’ve been reading CrackBerry enough you’ll know that we are no stranger to ShortcutMe by Fonware Ltd. The app gives you the ability to create even more shortcuts on your BlackBerry. No longer will you be limited to the number of shortcuts that RIM has built into the BlackBerry OS. The developers of ShortcutMe have just us let us know that they’ve temporarily dropped the price of ShortcutMe in celebration of it being featured on BlackBerry App World. If you’ve been feeling a little short handed (see what I did there?) and could use the ability to make your own quick keys to apps and fuctions on your BlackBerry, then I suggest you take advantage of this deal.

For more information and to purchase ShortcutMe for BlackBerry smartphones

Develop Android apps from within Android using AIDE (video)

Develop Android apps from within Android using AIDE (video):
Develop Android apps from within Android with AIDE
Replication is a necessary survival technique in nature, and now Android apps have joined the self-preservation fray with a new piece of software known as the Android Java IDE (AIDE). An integrated development environment for -- don't you know it -- Android, the package provides would-be coders with a complete set of development tools that include code completion, formatting, refactoring, real-time error checking and more. It's said to be fully compatible with Eclipse projects, and best of all, it's entirely free. So, if you can appreciate this bit of Zen and the Art of Android Development, be sure to check out AIDE today -- and get yourself a keyboard for your tablet while you're at it. Those who'd like a visual introduction will find a video after the break.

[Thanks, Matt]
Continue reading Develop Android apps from within Android using AIDE (video)

Download Robot Adventure apk version: 1.1 for Android phones

Download Robot Adventure apk version: 1.1 for Android phones:
Download Robot Adventure apk version: 1.1 for Android

The dream of the Robot is to have an adventure in the sky. What you can do is to help the Robot fly. You can collect the diamonds, complete the missions to get better equipments help the robot flyi higher and faster. During the flight, be care of the airships, UFO and other flying objects which may hurt the Robot.

Reviews :
- After so long the thrust button stupid working. I am using a droid x2. Otherwise our is a good game
- A very good game. I just finished all 8 missions, and it took a looong time! Fortunately at our office we have many long boring meetings,
- The game has potential but the controls are very bad for a multi touch game.... even with the "controler" upgrade. I usually lose control when turning
- Why does the engine always cut out? Ruined an otherwise decent time killer
- Otherwise a cool game, like the multiple attempts it takes to buy the right parts.

this app is incompatible with :

- Robot Adventure apk for Acer Liquid MT
- Robot Adventure apk for Acer Stream
- Robot Adventure apk for Casio G'zOne Commando
- Robot Adventure apk for Dell Venue
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC ChaCha
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Desire
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Desire HD
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Desire S
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Desire Z
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Droid Incredible
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Droid Incredible 2
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC EVO 3D
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC EVO 4G
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC EVO Shift 4G
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Incredible S
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Inspire 4G
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Merge
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Rhyme
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Salsa
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Sensation
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Sensation 4G
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Sensation XE
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Sensation XL
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Status
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Thunderbolt
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Wildfire
- Robot Adventure apk for HTC Wildfire S
- Robot Adventure apk for Huawei Ascend
- Robot Adventure apk for Huawei Ascend X 4G
- Robot Adventure apk for Huawei IDEOS X5
- Robot Adventure apk for Huawei Impulse 4G
- Robot Adventure apk for Huawei U8800
- Robot Adventure apk for Kyocera Echo
- Robot Adventure apk for Kyocera Zio
- Robot Adventure apk for LG Apex
- Robot Adventure apk for LG DoublePlay
- Robot Adventure apk for LG Esteem
- Robot Adventure apk for LG Genesis
- Robot Adventure apk for LG Optimus 2X
- Robot Adventure apk for LG Optimus 3D
- Robot Adventure apk for LG Optimus Black
- Robot Adventure apk for LG Optimus Chic E720
- Robot Adventure apk for LG Optimus One
- Robot Adventure apk for LG Optimus S
- Robot Adventure apk for LG Optimus T
- Robot Adventure apk for LG Phoenix
- Robot Adventure apk for LG Revolution
- Robot Adventure apk for LG Thrill 4G
- Robot Adventure apk for LG Thrive
- Robot Adventure apk for LG Vortex
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola Atrix 4G
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola BRAVO
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola CHARM
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola CITRUS
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola CLIQ 2
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola CLIQ XT
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola DEFY
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola Droid 2
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola DROID 3
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola DROID BIONIC
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola DROID PRO
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola Droid X
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola Droid X2
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola FLIPOUT
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola FLIPSIDE
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola Milestone 2
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola Milestone Plus
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola Photon 4G
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola Titanium
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola TRIUMPH
- Robot Adventure apk for Motorola XPRT
- Robot Adventure apk for Nexus One
- Robot Adventure apk for Nexus S
- Robot Adventure apk for Nexus S 4G
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Acclaim
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Admire
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Captivate
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Conquer 4G
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Continuum
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Dart
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung DROID Charge
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung EPIC 4G
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Epic 4G Touch
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Exhibit 4G
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Fascinate
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Galaxy Ace
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Galaxy Apollo
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Galaxy Fit
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Galaxy Gio
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Galaxy Precedent
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Galaxy Prevail
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Galaxy Pro
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Galaxy S
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Galaxy S2
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Gem
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Infuse 4G
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Intercept
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Replenish
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Stratosphere
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Transfix
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Transform
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Transform Ultra
- Robot Adventure apk for Samsung Vibrant
- Robot Adventure apk for Sony Ericsson Live
- Robot Adventure apk for Sony Ericsson W8
- Robot Adventure apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc
- Robot Adventure apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo
- Robot Adventure apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Play
- Robot Adventure apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray
- Robot Adventure apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
- Robot Adventure apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia X8
- Robot Adventure apk for T-Mobile G2
- Robot Adventure apk for T-Mobile G2X
- Robot Adventure apk for T-Mobile MyTouch
- Robot Adventure apk for T-Mobile myTouch 4G
- Robot Adventure apk for T-Mobile Mytouch 4G Slide
- Robot Adventure apk for T-Mobile MyTouch Q
- Robot Adventure apk for T-Mobile MyTouch Slide
- Robot Adventure apk for T-Mobile Sidekick 4G
- Robot Adventure apk for ZTE Libra

Download Robot Adventure


Download Golf Battle 3D apk version: 1.2.0 for Android phones

Download Golf Battle 3D apk version: 1.2.0 for Android phones:
Download Golf Battle 3D apk version: 1.2.0 for Android

This game is all about the two best features of golf : Hitting furiously long drives and kicking your friends’ butts! That is why we have produced this network based action golf game - with the driver as your only weapon.

Use your phone´s advanced features such as touchscreen (to swing) and the gyroscope (to steer the ball). As you hear from the title it is a 3D game. Thanks to the network setup you can play against your friends if they are on iPhone, Android, Symbian, Windows7 or Samsung Bada.

Reviews :
- Im sorry but when I can't even play one round because it keeps force closing I don't think that u should even get one star
- Constantly force closing on LG G2X. I can't even get through one single arcade round
- Hit 7 in a row but the guy I played was decked out and won in 4 random shots. Makes me want to crush my phone XD not very consistent either.
- Can't even get the app to stay open. Download let's play golf instead
- Update is a load of crap. Just blew through days of my budgeted data plan as app loops a repetitive 17.513mb d/l, & never finishes

this app is incompatible with :

- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Acer Liquid MT
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Acer Stream
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Casio G'zOne Commando
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Dell Venue
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC ChaCha
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Desire
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Desire HD
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Desire S
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Desire Z
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Droid Incredible
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Droid Incredible 2
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC EVO 3D
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC EVO 4G
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC EVO Shift 4G
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Incredible S
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Inspire 4G
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Merge
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Rhyme
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Salsa
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Sensation
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Sensation 4G
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Sensation XE
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Sensation XL
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Status
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Thunderbolt
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Wildfire
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for HTC Wildfire S
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Huawei Ascend
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Huawei Ascend X 4G
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Huawei IDEOS X5
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Huawei Impulse 4G
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Huawei U8800
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Kyocera Echo
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Kyocera Zio
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for LG Apex
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for LG DoublePlay
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for LG Esteem
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for LG Genesis
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for LG Optimus 2X
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for LG Optimus 3D
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for LG Optimus Black
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for LG Optimus Chic E720
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for LG Optimus One
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for LG Optimus S
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for LG Optimus T
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for LG Phoenix
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for LG Revolution
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for LG Thrill 4G
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for LG Thrive
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for LG Vortex
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola Atrix 4G
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola BRAVO
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola CHARM
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola CITRUS
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola CLIQ 2
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola CLIQ XT
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola DEFY
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola Droid 2
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola DROID 3
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola DROID BIONIC
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola DROID PRO
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola Droid X
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola Droid X2
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola FLIPOUT
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola FLIPSIDE
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola Milestone 2
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola Milestone Plus
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola Photon 4G
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola Titanium
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola TRIUMPH
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Motorola XPRT
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Nexus One
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Nexus S
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Nexus S 4G
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Acclaim
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Admire
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Captivate
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Conquer 4G
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Continuum
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Dart
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung DROID Charge
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung EPIC 4G
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Epic 4G Touch
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Exhibit 4G
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Fascinate
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Galaxy Ace
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Galaxy Apollo
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Galaxy Fit
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Galaxy Gio
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Galaxy Precedent
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Galaxy Prevail
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Galaxy Pro
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Galaxy S
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Galaxy S2
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Gem
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Infuse 4G
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Intercept
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Replenish
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Stratosphere
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Transfix
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Transform
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Transform Ultra
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Samsung Vibrant
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Sony Ericsson Live
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Sony Ericsson W8
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Play
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia X8
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for T-Mobile G2
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for T-Mobile G2X
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for T-Mobile MyTouch
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for T-Mobile myTouch 4G
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for T-Mobile Mytouch 4G Slide
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for T-Mobile MyTouch Q
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for T-Mobile MyTouch Slide
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for T-Mobile Sidekick 4G
- Golf Battle 3D 3 HD apk for ZTE Libra

Download Golf Battle 3D


Download Lucky Bingo apk version: 1.15 for Android phones

Download Lucky Bingo apk version: 1.15 for Android phones:
Download Lucky Bingo apk version: 1.15 for Android

LuckyBingo is the best bingo game value ever -- 3 great bingo games in one, fun-filled, simple, easy app! Play all the games all the time for free, and win LuckyBingo LuckyCoins. In Live Action Bingo, the action is fast, furious and continuous -- play live bingo games against other live players, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Painfully Slow Bingo is our unique, amazing daily bingo game -- always paying winners big jackpots, and always a "Cover All" game, on day one of a game 23 bingo balls are called all at once... then every day following that, at precisely noon eastern time, 10 new bingo balls are called, all at once. Players check in for a few minutes every day to get that day's new bingo balls, and go for that jackpot! A new game starts every day!

Reviews :

- tried the rest, this is the best. very cool and easy live games, plus quikie games and "slow" game. FUN
- The game doesn't even let u win the people that are playing are probly just computers on the other end
- But still not worth my time. Changed the amount of coins you get when you when, the painfully slow bingo sucks Uninstalling...yet again.
- There's no point in playing after the first three wins, just to get 100 coins if you win. The first 3 prizes are minimal. Change it back to 1000 each!
- I loved the game the way it was and now I hate it, a waste of time and annoying because its almost impossible to win. Uninstalling.
- LuckyBingo is the best bingo game value ever -- 3 great bingo games in one, fun-filled, simple, easy app! Play all the games all the time for free, and win LuckyBingo LuckyCoins.

this app is incompatible with :

- Lucky Bingo apk for Acer Liquid MT
- Lucky Bingo apk for Acer Stream
- Lucky Bingo apk for Casio G'zOne Commando
- Lucky Bingo apk for Dell Venue
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC ChaCha
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Desire
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Desire HD
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Desire S
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Desire Z
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Droid Incredible
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Droid Incredible 2
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC EVO 3D
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC EVO 4G
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC EVO Shift 4G
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Incredible S
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Inspire 4G
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Merge
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Rhyme
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Salsa
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Sensation
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Sensation 4G
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Sensation XE
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Sensation XL
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Status
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Thunderbolt
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Wildfire
- Lucky Bingo apk for HTC Wildfire S
- Lucky Bingo apk for Huawei Ascend
- Lucky Bingo apk for Huawei Ascend X 4G
- Lucky Bingo apk for Huawei IDEOS X5
- Lucky Bingo apk for Huawei Impulse 4G
- Lucky Bingo apk for Huawei U8800
- Lucky Bingo apk for Kyocera Echo
- Lucky Bingo apk for Kyocera Zio
- Lucky Bingo apk for LG Apex
- Lucky Bingo apk for LG DoublePlay
- Lucky Bingo apk for LG Esteem
- Lucky Bingo apk for LG Genesis
- Lucky Bingo apk for LG Optimus 2X
- Lucky Bingo apk for LG Optimus 3D
- Lucky Bingo apk for LG Optimus Black
- Lucky Bingo apk for LG Optimus Chic E720
- Lucky Bingo apk for LG Optimus One
- Lucky Bingo apk for LG Optimus S
- Lucky Bingo apk for LG Optimus T
- Lucky Bingo apk for LG Phoenix
- Lucky Bingo apk for LG Revolution
- Lucky Bingo apk for LG Thrill 4G
- Lucky Bingo apk for LG Thrive
- Lucky Bingo apk for LG Vortex
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola Atrix 4G
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola BRAVO
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola CHARM
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola CITRUS
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola CLIQ 2
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola CLIQ XT
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola DEFY
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola Droid 2
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola DROID 3
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola DROID BIONIC
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola DROID PRO
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola Droid X
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola Droid X2
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola FLIPOUT
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola FLIPSIDE
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola Milestone 2
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola Milestone Plus
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola Photon 4G
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola Titanium
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola TRIUMPH
- Lucky Bingo apk for Motorola XPRT
- Lucky Bingo apk for Nexus One
- Lucky Bingo apk for Nexus S
- Lucky Bingo apk for Nexus S 4G
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Acclaim
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Admire
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Captivate
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Conquer 4G
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Continuum
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Dart
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung DROID Charge
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung EPIC 4G
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Epic 4G Touch
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Exhibit 4G
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Fascinate
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Galaxy Ace
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Galaxy Apollo
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Galaxy Fit
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Galaxy Gio
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Galaxy Precedent
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Galaxy Prevail
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Galaxy Pro
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Galaxy S
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Galaxy S2
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Gem
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Infuse 4G
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Intercept
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Replenish
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Stratosphere
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Transfix
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Transform
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Transform Ultra
- Lucky Bingo apk for Samsung Vibrant
- Lucky Bingo apk for Sony Ericsson Live
- Lucky Bingo apk for Sony Ericsson W8
- Lucky Bingo apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc
- Lucky Bingo apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo
- Lucky Bingo apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Play
- Lucky Bingo apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray
- Lucky Bingo apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
- Lucky Bingo apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia X8
- Lucky Bingo apk for T-Mobile G2
- Lucky Bingo apk for T-Mobile G2X
- Lucky Bingo apk for T-Mobile MyTouch
- Lucky Bingo apk for T-Mobile myTouch 4G
- Lucky Bingo apk for T-Mobile Mytouch 4G Slide
- Lucky Bingo apk for T-Mobile MyTouch Q
- Lucky Bingo apk for T-Mobile MyTouch Slide
- Lucky Bingo apk for T-Mobile Sidekick 4G
- Lucky Bingo apk for ZTE Libra

Download Lucky Bingo


How To Unlocking The T-Mobile myTouch 3G Android Phone

How To Unlocking The T-Mobile myTouch 3G Android Phone:
In today’s world, there is an increasing abundance of mobile phones available on the market.

It is also increasingly becoming popular practice to alter these phones in one way or another. For one, it is a popular practice to hack or root a mobile phone in order to change aspects of the phone that was not intended to be changed. This includes but is not limited to changing the font displayed, icons and

In some instances, a user may wish to unlock their phone. This is because a service provider may lock a SIM card so that they cannot just switch services and keep the same phone. This is present in many types of phones, in particular the myTouch. One particular service provider that has a tendency to lock their phones is T-Mobile, who does implement this SIM card locking with their myTouch phone.

How difficult is it to unlock a T-Mobile myTouch phone?

Unlocking a T-Mobile myTouch phone is a relatively easy task, however. All it actually requires is the phone itself, having an active account that is in good standing for at least 90 days, a SIM card from another carrier as well as T-Mobile’s Customer Care toll free number. It will also be necessary to have the phone’s IMEI number.

How to get a myTouch phone unlocked

In order to get the IMEI number for the myTouch phone in question, simply press the call button and type in *#06 into the phone. If done correctly, this should pop up the IMEI number. The next step is dependent on what the situation of the user is.
Should they have an account in good standing that has been active for over 90 days, they may go ahead and call the T-Mobile Customer Care toll free number. If for whatever reason the user wants to go through a third party service, plenty of these are available. For example, the website at offers unlocking codes, as do several other websites. However, if going through a third party service, be prepared to pay a little bit.

What to do after receiving the unlock code

After getting the unlock code in whatever way, take the non T-Mobile SIM card and insert it into the card after removing the old one. Turn on the myTouch phone and a prompt should pop up requesting the unlock code. Enter the given code and it should turn on the phone as normal.
Be warned, however, that it is very important to enter the correct code and to take much care in entering the characters. Typically, a locked phone will allow a user three chances to enter the unlock code before locking itself permanently. This is because the phone assumes someone is trying to hack it and will permanently lock a user from entering codes or using it.

Changing the APN Settings

After successfully entering the unlock code into the phone, head out to the Main Menu and access the APN settings. Upon entering this section, there should be a list of preset APN shown, but for this case it is necessary to create a new setting.
Scroll down to the bottom to where it says New APN Setting and enter the information for Mobile Country Code, or MCC, and MNC Mobile Network. Here is a list of Mobile Country Codes from around the world.
Once this information is entered, the GPRS / EDGE / 3G Data Service will be activated.
  • A Sample Setting for a T-Mobile myTouch Phone Under AT&T Service
  • Name: AT&T
  • APN: wap.cingular
  • Proxy: leave blank
  • Port: leave blank
  • Password:CINGULAR1
  • Server: leave blank
  • MMSC:
  • MMS Proxy:
  • MMS Port: 80
  • MCC:310
  • MNC:410
  • APN Type: leave blank

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Tutorial Membuat Aplikasi (TRIGONOMETRI) Berbasis Php

INDOMEETING.NET - Tutorial Membuat Aplikasi (TRIGONOMETRI) Berbasis Php sebelum saya memulai tutorial ini lebih baik nya kita menyikapi dulu apa yang di maksud dengan trigonometri dan berikut adalah pengertian dari trigonometri;

Trigonometri (dari bahasa Yunani trigonon = tiga sudut dan metro = mengukur) adalah sebuah cabang matematika yang berhadapan dengan sudut segi tiga dan fungsi trigonometrik seperti sinus, cosinus, dan tangen. Trigonometri memiliki hubungan dengan geometri, meskipun ada ketidaksetujuan tentang apa hubungannya; bagi beberapa orang, trigonometri adalah bagian dari geometri.

Nah, dari gambar di atas bisa anda pahami beberapa rumus yang berjalan ! namun karena permintaan salah satu teman saya yang masih duduk di bangku SMA yang mengirimkan inbox ke saya, "bro, buatin aplikasi untuk menerjemahkan rumus trigonometri" tapi berbeda dengan gambar diatas kali ini permintaan teman saya hanya konversi antara hasil nilai ke Sinus Cosinus dan Tangen jadi yang lainnya gak di butuhkan sama teman saya :D.

Mari kita mulai untuk membuat calculator scientific, oh iya sebelum nya anda juga bisa dengan mudah melakukan perhitungan rumus trigonometri menggunakan calculator scientific namun kata temen saya harga nya loh :D kalo udah kena harga pasti mentok, nah untuk itu kita membuat calculator scientific dengan basis php saja murah meriah :).

Untuk contoh yang sudah saya buat silahkan anda check di web khusus project saya nah silahkan anda test script php yang sudah saya buat di web itu.
Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat saya terhadap tamu yang telah sedia untuk membaca postingan saya, saya pun membagikan nya Php script ini kepada anda dan di sini saya membebaskan bagi anda yang ingin mengolah dan menyempurnakan script ini.

Link Script ; Script
Password View ;

:) terimakasih atas kunjungan nya.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Download Talking Kid TransFormers apk version: 1.1 for android phones

Download Talking Kid TransFormers apk version: 1.1 for android phones:
Download Talking Kid TransFormers apk version: 1.1 for android

Talking Kid TransFormers repeats everything you say with a funny voice. Enjoy hours of fun and laughter with Talking Kid. He is especially fun for children of all ages.

Play with Kid:
- Talk to Kid and He will repeat everything you say with a funny voice.
- Do not photograph me.
- Hum insignificant skills.
- 555 Ah How can you to pass away so early! Crying.
- What hit my head?
- Where is the little guy come from?
- Poke his chest, hands or feets.
- Poke traffic lights.
- Touch the screen.

this app is incompatible with :

- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Acer Liquid MT
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Acer Stream
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Casio G'zOne Commando
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Dell Venue
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC ChaCha
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Desire
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Desire HD
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Desire S
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Desire Z
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Droid Incredible
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Droid Incredible 2
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC EVO 3D
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC EVO 4G
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC EVO Shift 4G
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Incredible S
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Inspire 4G
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Merge
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Rhyme
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Salsa
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Sensation
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Sensation 4G
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Sensation XE
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Sensation XL
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Status
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Thunderbolt
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Wildfire
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for HTC Wildfire S
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Huawei Ascend
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Huawei Ascend X 4G
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Huawei IDEOS X5
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Huawei Impulse 4G
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Huawei U8800
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Kyocera Echo
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Kyocera Zio
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for LG Apex
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for LG DoublePlay
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for LG Esteem
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for LG Genesis
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for LG Optimus 2X
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for LG Optimus 3D
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for LG Optimus Black
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for LG Optimus Chic E720
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for LG Optimus One
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for LG Optimus S
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for LG Optimus T
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for LG Phoenix
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for LG Revolution
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for LG Thrill 4G
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for LG Thrive
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for LG Vortex
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola Atrix 4G
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola BRAVO
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola CHARM
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola CITRUS
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola CLIQ 2
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola CLIQ XT
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola DEFY
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola Droid 2
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola DROID 3
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola DROID BIONIC
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola DROID PRO
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola Droid X
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola Droid X2
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola FLIPOUT
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola FLIPSIDE
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola Milestone 2
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola Milestone Plus
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola Photon 4G
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola Titanium
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola TRIUMPH
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Motorola XPRT
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Nexus One
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Nexus S
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Nexus S 4G
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Acclaim
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Admire
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Captivate
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Conquer 4G
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Continuum
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Dart
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung DROID Charge
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung EPIC 4G
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Epic 4G Touch
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Exhibit 4G
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Fascinate
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Galaxy Ace
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Galaxy Apollo
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Galaxy Fit
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Galaxy Gio
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Galaxy Precedent
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Galaxy Prevail
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Galaxy Pro
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Galaxy S
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Galaxy S2
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Gem
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Infuse 4G
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Intercept
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Replenish
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Stratosphere
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Transfix
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Transform
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Transform Ultra
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Samsung Vibrant
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Sony Ericsson Live
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Sony Ericsson W8
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Play
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia X8
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for T-Mobile G2
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for T-Mobile G2X
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for T-Mobile MyTouch
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for T-Mobile myTouch 4G
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for T-Mobile Mytouch 4G Slide
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for T-Mobile MyTouch Q
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for T-Mobile MyTouch Slide
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for T-Mobile Sidekick 4G
- Talking Kid TransFormers apk for ZTE Libra

Download Talking Kid TransFormers

Talking Kid TransFormers apk version: 1.1

Download Tap Tap Glider apk version: 1.1 for Android phones

Download Tap Tap Glider apk version: 1.1 for Android phones:
Download Tap Tap Glider apk version: 1.1 for Android

Use your finger to guide the plane through a world full of obstacles. You need to tap the screen in little bursts to give your plane a wind boost to make it fly higher to avoid crashing. Judge carefully how much to boost as the plane can not hit the obstacles ... Unlock new planes as you progress through the game. Each plane has its own special ability.

How to Play :
- Touch on the right side of the screen to boost the plane
- Collect 3 bubbles and then touch on the left side of the screen to activate a special ability

Game Features :
1) 3 well-designed paper planes (more to come)
2) Different difficulty levels: easy, medium, hard
3) Simple one touch control gameplay

this app is incompatible with :

- Tap Tap Glider apk for Acer Liquid MT
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Acer Stream
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Casio G'zOne Commando
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Dell Venue
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC ChaCha
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Desire
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Desire HD
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Desire S
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Desire Z
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Droid Incredible
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Droid Incredible 2
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC EVO 3D
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC EVO 4G
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC EVO Shift 4G
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Incredible S
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Inspire 4G
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Merge
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Rhyme
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Salsa
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Sensation
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Sensation 4G
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Sensation XE
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Sensation XL
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Status
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Thunderbolt
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Wildfire
- Tap Tap Glider apk for HTC Wildfire S
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Huawei Ascend
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Huawei Ascend X 4G
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Huawei IDEOS X5
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Huawei Impulse 4G
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Huawei U8800
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Kyocera Echo
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Kyocera Zio
- Tap Tap Glider apk for LG Apex
- Tap Tap Glider apk for LG DoublePlay
- Tap Tap Glider apk for LG Esteem
- Tap Tap Glider apk for LG Genesis
- Tap Tap Glider apk for LG Optimus 2X
- Tap Tap Glider apk for LG Optimus 3D
- Tap Tap Glider apk for LG Optimus Black
- Tap Tap Glider apk for LG Optimus Chic E720
- Tap Tap Glider apk for LG Optimus One
- Tap Tap Glider apk for LG Optimus S
- Tap Tap Glider apk for LG Optimus T
- Tap Tap Glider apk for LG Phoenix
- Tap Tap Glider apk for LG Revolution
- Tap Tap Glider apk for LG Thrill 4G
- Tap Tap Glider apk for LG Thrive
- Tap Tap Glider apk for LG Vortex
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola Atrix 4G
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola BRAVO
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola CHARM
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola CITRUS
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola CLIQ 2
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola CLIQ XT
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola DEFY
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola Droid 2
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola DROID 3
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola DROID BIONIC
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola DROID PRO
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola Droid X
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola Droid X2
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola FLIPOUT
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola FLIPSIDE
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola Milestone 2
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola Milestone Plus
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola Photon 4G
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola Titanium
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola TRIUMPH
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Motorola XPRT
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Nexus One
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Nexus S
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Nexus S 4G
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Acclaim
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Admire
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Captivate
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Conquer 4G
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Continuum
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Dart
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung DROID Charge
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung EPIC 4G
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Epic 4G Touch
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Exhibit 4G
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Fascinate
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Galaxy Ace
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Galaxy Apollo
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Galaxy Fit
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Galaxy Gio
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Galaxy Precedent
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Galaxy Prevail
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Galaxy Pro
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Galaxy S
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Galaxy S2
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Gem
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Infuse 4G
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Intercept
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Replenish
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Stratosphere
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Transfix
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Transform
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Transform Ultra
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Samsung Vibrant
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Sony Ericsson Live
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Sony Ericsson W8
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Play
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
- Tap Tap Glider apk for Sony Ericsson Xperia X8
- Tap Tap Glider apk for T-Mobile G2
- Tap Tap Glider apk for T-Mobile G2X
- Tap Tap Glider apk for T-Mobile MyTouch
- Tap Tap Glider apk for T-Mobile myTouch 4G
- Tap Tap Glider apk for T-Mobile Mytouch 4G Slide
- Tap Tap Glider apk for T-Mobile MyTouch Q
- Tap Tap Glider apk for T-Mobile MyTouch Slide
- Tap Tap Glider apk for T-Mobile Sidekick 4G
- Tap Tap Glider apk for ZTE Libra

Download Tap Tap Glider

Tap Tap Glider apk version: 1.1


Download SD Fighter 2 apk version: 1.7 for Android phones

Download SD Fighter 2 apk version: 1.7 for Android phones:
Download SD Fighter 2 apk version: 1.7 for Android

Through a long period of time, such as deterioration of yujeobun SD Fighter 2 came out in support 12 characters can be selected depending on the user's preference Arcade mode, you can play war mode selection of two and. To practice through the menu is enough to watch practice Anyway, please enjoy the fun

Reviews :
- Takes from all over the place, there are graphics and sounds in there from Streets and Of Rage, Street Fighter and much more. I found it quite glitchy but odly addictive.

this app is incompatible with :

- SD Fighter 2 apk for Acer Liquid MT
- SD Fighter 2 apk for Acer Stream
- SD Fighter 2 apk for Casio G'zOne Commando
- SD Fighter 2 apk for Dell Venue
- SD Fighter 2 apk for HTC ChaCha
- SD Fighter 2 apk for HTC Desire
- SD Fighter 2 apk for HTC Desire HD
- SD Fighter 2 apk for HTC Desire S
- SD Fighter 2 apk for HTC Desire Z
- SD Fighter 2 apk for HTC Droid Incredible
- SD Fighter 2 apk for HTC Droid Incredible 2
- SD Fighter 2 apk for HTC EVO 3D
- SD Fighter 2 apk for HTC EVO 4G
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Download SD Fighter 2

Fighter 2 apk version: 1.7

Download FIFA 10 by EA SPORTS™ v1.0.41 Apk for Android phones

Download FIFA 10 by EA SPORTS™ v1.0.41 Apk for Android phones:
Download FIFA 10 by EA SPORTS™ v1.0.41 Apk for Android phones

Lead your team to glory with the first EA Sports FIFA game for Android devices! Playable in 11 languages for the ultimate global showdown!

Match 30 leagues, 570 teams, and 12,620 players from around the world. Play up to 20 licensed tournaments and cup competitions.

Create your own future superstar – ONLY with FIFA 10 by EA SPORTS™. Track your player through multiple seasons and earn skills in competition against the world’s finest players!

Pull off defense-splitting passes, rifling shots, and pro-style tricks with intuitive touch screen controls.

Hear the roar of sold-out stadiums, plus watch team presentations and goal celebrations up close!

Download FIFA 10 by EA SPORTS™ v1.0.41 Apk

FIFA 10 by EA SPORTS™ v1.0.41 Apk for Android phones


Download Need For Speed Shift Apk v.1.0.70 for Android phones

Download Need For Speed Shift Apk v.1.0.70 for Android phones:

Drive the world’s fastest cars and enjoy some of the highest performance racing action ever seen on Android.

Drive 20 cars, including the BMW M3 GT2, Lamborghini Gallardo, and Pagani Zonda.

Experience the sweeping skylines of 18 tracks in inspiring international locations (Chicago, London, Tokyo) through day and night driving. See and feel roaring engines, squealing tires, and crunching collisions. Above all, get speed, speed, and more speed!

Fine tune performance with Top Speed, Acceleration, Tires, Suspension, and Nitrous upgrades. Add custom details like spoilers, rims, specialized paint jobs, and body kits.

Jump into Quick Race or dominate the circuit in Career Mode. Select 3 Difficulty Settings (Rookie, Pro or Veteran). Track your evolution with DRIVER PROFILE.

Grab hold and push it to the limit with the most visceral and aggressive racing game on Android!

As always - due to the rich, immersive quality of this game - your download will take some time. We promise it’s worth the wait!

Download Need For Speed Shift Apk v.1.0.70

Need For Speed Shift Apk v.1.0.70 for Android phones


Download Navita Translator .jad for Blackberry phones

Download Navita Translator .jad for Blackberry phones:
 Download Navita Translator .jad file for Blackberry phones

Translate-and-Speak words, phrases from e-mails, Browser, SMS or typing in the software.
Navita Translator translates more than 50 languages and is capable to speak languages like English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, German and Russian.

IMPORTANT: this app has NO "run" button on appword. After install, the app icon will be on your device Home Screen or your device Downloads folder

Other Features:
- Send your translations to: Twitter, Mail, PIN, MEMO
- Supports English, Portuguese, Spanish and Chinese interfaces.
- Free support
- Compatible with all devices
- Dictionary mode (temporarily disabled)

Download Navita Translator .jad
Navita Translator .jad for Blackberry phones 


Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Keajaiban Ilmu Matematika

INDOMEETING.NET Keajaiban Ilmu Matematika mungkin bagi beberapa kaum pelajar materi Matematika adalah momok yang menakutkan. Seperti kebanyakan siswa-siswa sekolah dipastikan akan menghindari mata pelajaran ini, banyak pula yang menganggap ilmu matematika selalu memusingkan.

Tapi tau kah anda di balik momok menakutkan yang terdapat pada mata pelajaran matematika terdapat keajaiban tersendiri.

Mari kita lihat Keajaiban Ilmu Matematika;

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 + 10 = 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

Bagaimana menurut anda?
Angka tersusun rapi.
Dan lihat simetris ini;

1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321

Kurang hebat ??
Sekarang lihat ini

Jika 101% dilihat dari sudut pandangan Matematika, apakah ia sama dengan 100%, atau ia LEBIH dari 100%?
Kita selalu mendengar orang berkata dia bisa memberi lebih dari 100%, atau kita selalu dalam situasi dimana seseorang ingin kita memberi 100% sepenuhnya.
Bagaimana bila ingin mencapai 101%?
Apakah nilai 100% dalam hidup?
Mungkin sedikit formula matematika dibawah ini dapat membantu memberi jawabannya.


Disamakan sebagai 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Maka, kata KERJA KERAS bernilai :
11 + 5 + 18 + 10 + 1 + 11 + 5 + 18 + 19 + 1 = 99%

8 + 1 + 18 + 4 + 23 + !5 + 18 + 11 = 99%

K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G -E
11 + 14 + 15 + 23 + 12 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 5 = 96%

1 + 20 + 20 + 9 + 20 + 21 + 4 + 5 = 100%

Sikap diri atau ATTITUDE adalah perkara utama untuk mencapai 100% dalam hidup kita. Jika kita kerja keras sekalipun tapi tidak ada ATTITUDE yang positif didalam diri, kita masih belum mencapai 100%.


12 + 15 + 22 + 5 + 15 + 6 + 7 + 15 + 4 = 101%

19 + 1 + 25 + 1 + 14 + 7 + 1 + 12 + 12 + 1 + 8 = 101%

Nah, dari artikel ini kita pasti nya bisa berfikir bahwa kesempurnaan hanya milik -NYA :).