Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Develop Android apps from within Android using AIDE (video)

Develop Android apps from within Android using AIDE (video):
Develop Android apps from within Android with AIDE
Replication is a necessary survival technique in nature, and now Android apps have joined the self-preservation fray with a new piece of software known as the Android Java IDE (AIDE). An integrated development environment for -- don't you know it -- Android, the package provides would-be coders with a complete set of development tools that include code completion, formatting, refactoring, real-time error checking and more. It's said to be fully compatible with Eclipse projects, and best of all, it's entirely free. So, if you can appreciate this bit of Zen and the Art of Android Development, be sure to check out AIDE today -- and get yourself a keyboard for your tablet while you're at it. Those who'd like a visual introduction will find a video after the break.

[Thanks, Matt]
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